Kristine Leahy offers perfect alternative to 'Stay in Yo Lane' T-shirts

Bob Hille 25/05/2017 | 17:49 MYT
Kristine Leahy continues to help offer a counter to LaVar Ball's worldview.

This time, Instead of sitting back and watching him profit off his disrespectful dismissal of her, the Fox Sports personality is providing an alternative to the "Stay in Yo Lane" T-shirts he's hawking at $60 a pop: Donate to Girls Inc.

According to its website, Girls Inc. "inspires all girls to be strong, smart, and bold through direct service and advocacy … [and] equips girls to navigate gender, economic, and social barriers and grow up healthy, educated, and independent."

In short, it tries to help young females stand up and refuse to stay in their lane — like Kristine Leahy.

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